jueves, 20 de abril de 2017

Unit 8 "Speaking"

Woman in Yellow Long Sleeved Dress Standing Beside Man in White Blue Crew Neck T Shirt

Speaking is one of the four language skills, it is a productive skill. What this involve is use the speech to convey meaning trough a communicate way.The purspose of speaking is to communicate meaning to others.These authors mention that seaking is a process that construct meaning in a interactive way Brown (1994) and Burns and Joyce (1997). For me speaking is a way of communication within a context between some participants.
There are some strategies that can help us to convey meaning as for example; gestureseye contactfacial expresions, and movement. All this features create an envinroment of clarification.This unit contained several subskills to use the language accurately.First,we have to use the correct grammar and fuctions. Second, we have to speak coherently with an appropiate register.Finally, the use of body language is essential to create a raport wih the other person.
In my future classes,I will use some techniques that will help students to learn this topic.There are activities that can help them to communicate better into the context they are using.For example; the use of role-plays are good enough to maker them practice into the language.Another activity can be the use of thecnological tools, to improve their skill.


  • What speaking is. (2017). Area.dge.mec.pt. Retrieved 20 April 2017, from http://area.dge.mec.pt/gramatica/whatspeakingis.htm
  • Strategies for Developing Speaking Skills. (2017). Nclrc.org. Retrieved 20 April 2017, from http://www.nclrc.org/essentials/speaking/stratspeak.htm

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