jueves, 20 de abril de 2017

Unit 1 "Grammar"

Grammar Word Written In Wooden Cube

In unit, 1 I have learnt about grammar and its uses. According to William Somerset Maugham, The Summing Up, (1938) Grammar is neccesary in our lives, It is a common speech related to language.This also has to deal how words are combined to make a certain meaning into language. In fact, grammar involves some forms and functions including its uses.
Into this unit I learned very significan terms such us prefixesprepositions, pronounsconjuctions, etc that helped me to engage into the lesson very quickly. In addition, all the explanations given in the class were meaningful to my learning.
 All this knowledge acquired will be useful in the future in my professional life.In my point of view as a future teacher, I will apply grammar in so many differents ways, not with the traditional ones that make students feel boring about learning grammar rules.Instead, I will use some activities that make them feel comfortable inside the classrom. For instance, I will not only use the book but also some fun activities to make the lesson easy to the students.They do not like to learn rules by heart.There are some innovaties ways to teach grammar; as an example of  a game could be "Tingo Tango" in  this activity students need to remeber some verbs that were presented the class before.This example is just one of  many I will apply to them.

In the next video you can watch how important  grammar is and how to acquire it in a natural way.


  • How to Learn English Grammar the Natural Way (AJ #10). (2017). 
  • Grammar - An Introduction in English. (2017). 
  • Tkt course modules 1 2 and 3 2nd edition | Teacher Training, Development and Research. (2017).

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